12 دلیل برای رستاخیز عیسی مارس 27, 2018 Jesus’s resurrection is at the very heart of historic Christianity. In fact, the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is both a central doctrinal belief... منطق و عقل by Kenneth Samples Read
12 دلیل برای رستاخیز عیسی، قسمت 3 مارس 29, 2017 Today’s skeptics of Jesus’s resurrection sometimes state that religious people are too quick to accept reports about miracles. Those who doubt the miraculous often... الهیات by Kenneth Samples Read
12 دلیل برای رستاخیز عیسی، قسمت 2 مارس 22, 2017 Christian apologist Walter Martin used to say that the real death rate is one per person, meaning that each person’s death is a matter... الهیات by Kenneth Samples Read