28:19 Episode 14
How can local churches do more to reach out to scientists? How can Christians love atheists better? How art reflects the image of God; Why does it matter if the biblical is accurate in matters of science and history? Learn more about The Lab.
RTB 101: How can local churches do more to reach out to scientists? (02:15)
with Hugh Ross
Dig Deeper: http://reasons.org/reflections/read/reflections/2017/06/20/making-evangelical-churches-more-inviting-to-christian-intellectuals
Nexus: How can Christians love atheists better? (06:56)
with Sean McDowell
To watch the rest of this message, visit https://youtu.be/PIV2aYcuojA.
Culture Talk: How art reflects the image of God (10:44)
with Fazale Rana
Dig Deeper: http://reasons.org/the-cells-design/read/the-cells-design/2018/01/03/new-research-douses-claim-that-neanderthals-mastered-fire
Give and Take: Why does it matter if the biblical is accurate in matters of science and history? (15:28)
with Ken Keathley and Fazale Rana
Dig Deeper: http://reasons.org/todays-new-reason-to-believe/read/tnrtb/2012/06/22/defending-concordism-response-to-the-lost-world-of-genesis-one
RTB News: The Lab (23:42)
with Jeff Zweerink
To find out more about The Lab, visit http://reasons.org/thelab.
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