28:19 Episode 66-Malaria, Johnny Cash, and Vegetarianism
Does the Bible Teach Us to Be Vegetarians? What Is the Old Testament Basis for Believing in the Trinity? The Inspirational Ministry of Johnny Cash. Should We Wipe Out Malaria?
RTB 101: Does the Bible Teach Us to Be Vegetarians? 1:39
With astronomer Hugh Ross
Dig Deeper: https://www.reasons.org/explore/publications/reasons-newsletter/read/reasons-newsletter/2015/03/02/creation-reveals-god-s-character
Nexus: What Is the Old Testament Basis for Believing in the Trinity? 6:47
With philosopher and theologian Kenneth Samples
To watch the full video, visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAepC6XradA&feature=youtu.be
Culture Talk: The Inspirational Ministry of Johnny Cash 9:49
With theologian Krista Bontrager
Dig Deeper: https://www.reasons.org/explore/multimedia/rtb-podcast/read/rtb-podcast/2018/05/30/seven-traits-of-apologetic-integrity
Give and Take: Should We Wipe Out Malaria? 17:07
With molecular biologist Anjeanette Roberts
Dig Deeper: https://www.reasons.org/impact-events/read/impact-events/2017/10/13/controversy-of-the-ages
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