28:19 Episode 68-Immune System designed, God’s gender, Religious Pluralism
Do All Religions Lead to God? How Long Were the Creation Days? Why Does the Bible Refer to God in Masculine Terms? Is the Immune System Designed?
RTB 101: Do All Religions Lead to God? 2:59
With philosopher and theologian Kenneth Samples
Dig Deeper: https://www.reasons.org/explore/publications/reasons-newsletter/read/reasons-newsletter/2015/03/02/creation-reveals-god-s-character
Nexus: How Long Were the Creation Days? 8:26
With astronomer Hugh Ross
To watch the full video, visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-syxid39kg
Culture Talk: Why Does the Bible Refer to God in Masculine Terms? 13:25
With theologian Krista Bontrager
Dig Deeper: /about/krista-bontrager
Give and Take: Is the Immune System Designed? 20:31
With infectious diseases specialist Francisco Delgado
Dig Deeper: /voices/read/voices/2019/04/12/how-bacteria-train-our-immune-system
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